Many software solutions allow for sending reports, warnings, alarms and many other communications via email. This is a great feature to keep track of what’s happening to your installations without having to log into all of them, but having an email server at our disposal these days is not so common anymore. that’s what happened to me last week, and since I was tired to use my personal Gmail account to send myself emails, I decided it was time to find a different solution and to test AWS SES.
Migrate vApps between vCloud Director installations using Veeam
In the last weeks I migrated my personal lab to a new location, with new servers and all. I took the opportunity to rebuild some of the test machines I had in my previous one, but oneĀ cumbersomeĀ and boring task is always to recreate the virtual machines used to do demos, where different applications are deployed and configured to make the demo more “real”; things like Oracle databases, websites, file servers and so on. As both the platforms at source and destination use VMware vCloud Director, I took this opportunity to learn more about migrating vApps from one vCloud to the other, using Veeam Backup & Replication.
Reconfigure NSX to allow vCloud Director to create Org networks
If you have just deployed vCloud Director over NSX , it may happen that during the creation of a new VCD network, the operations fails with the error “Cannot deploy organization VDC network; Make sure vShield Manager infrastructure is properly configured and there are segment IDs available.” In this case, you need to change the configuration of the NSX transport zones from Multicast to either Hybrid or Unicast.
Automatically create Veeam backups using vCenter Moref IDs
For a project I’m working on these weeks, I’ve been asked to demonstrate how an external system (a Cloud Management Platform, an Automation tool, else) can automatically create backups for some specific virtual machines without interacting with the Veeam console. This blog post will show you how, using vSphere Moref IDs.
Veeam Availability Console series #3: access the Console as a customer
In the previous posts of this series, we completed the configuration of Veeam Availability Console and on-boarded our first customer. In this third part, we are going to access the Console as a new customer, to so learn what we can do there.
Use vCloud Director LDAP authentication with Veeam self-service portal
I got this request from a colleague, who was helping out a service provider with this scenario: vCloud Director is using an external LDAP service, coming from a local Microsoft Active Directory, to authenticate all vCD users. Is Veeam vCloud Director Self-Service portal able to use this authentication and allow those users to use the portal? Let’s find out (hint: yes it works!).
Veeam Availability Console series #2: Setup your service provider company
In the previous post of this series, we installed and started the configuration of Veeam Availability Console. In this second part, we are going to look at the rest of the initial configuration, and plan for the first customer onboarding.
Veeam Availability Console series #1: Installation and initial configuration
As Veeam is soon to release the final version of a new solution, called Veeam Availability Console, I started to study this software, since it’s a key component of Veeam strategy for Service Providers, which is my main focus as a Veeam employee. In this series of posts, I will explore the software, its architecture, how it works, and what can be done with it. In this first post, we’ll start with a bit of theory, and we’ll see how to install and configure it.