I wrote already two articles about this topic. I know that managing SSL certificates can be a cumbersome task, so any option to automate the process is a great addition to any IT administrator toolbox. This is why Let’s Encrypt certificates are becoming so popular, not just because they are free but also because the automated platform that they use allow for some amazing automation solutions. In my first article Use Let’s Encrypt free certificates in Windows for Veeam Cloud Connect I explained the basics of Let’s Encrypt technology, and how to use its certificates on a Windows machine using ACMEsharp libraries with Powershell. Then, in the second article Improved Powershell script for Let’s Encrypt certificate renewals I optimized the script even more. But still, there was room for improvement and even more automation.
Tag: aws
Using AWS Simple Email Service (SES) as an SMTP relay for different software solutions
Many software solutions allow for sending reports, warnings, alarms and many other communications via email. This is a great feature to keep track of what’s happening to your installations without having to log into all of them, but having an email server at our disposal these days is not so common anymore. that’s what happened to me last week, and since I was tired to use my personal Gmail account to send myself emails, I decided it was time to find a different solution and to test AWS SES.
Public cloud is not infinite (if you ever thought it really is…)
I’m working on some heavy lab tests in these weeks, plus I’m travelling a bit more than usual, so my blogging activity has slowed down a bit. As I’m catching up on the news I read around, I found two different articles that can give to all of us a good perception about two things about the public cloud, or the so called “hyper-scalers”. They have insanely massive resources, but as insane as they are, they are not infinite.
Cloud outages and the couch architects all over the world
Last week, another outage of a large cloud provider hit the news, and the many companies using their services were impacted. This time it was Amazon Web Services, as their S3 service in the US-East region has been down for almost 4 hours, impacting so many other cloud services that are relying on this object storage technology. What impacted me, however, had been the reactions of other IT people around and the couch architects all over the world.
Load balancing services with AWS Route53 DNS health checks
DNS is a great technology that everyone uses over internet. How would you reach a given website if you weren’t able to solve its name to the IP address? Would you memorize the public IP addresses of any website you want to reach? No, and with IPv6 coming in the future, DNS will become even more important for internet consumption. But DNS has one drawback: its records are usually static, and if a platform is dynamic and spawn/removes instances on the fly, it needs to have a way to modify the DNS records that are published, so that a non-reachable instances is not even listed.
Netflix runs 100% on AWS now
Netflix decided in 2008 that its new business model would have been the complete consumption of public cloud, specifically AWS. It took 8 years to the leader in Video Streaming to complete the migration of its services into AWS, and now Netflix doesn’t run any significant workload in its own premises.
The war for the public cloud is claiming its victims
Latest news about telecommunication companies and their struggles against giant cloud service providers show how the war for the public cloud is at its peak, and we are starting to see the first victims.
Is AWS an all-flash storage vendor?
Looking at the latest announcements and the history of the behemoth of public cloud services, probably yes. And a leading one.