HP Discover is the main worldwide event organized by HP every year. There is a US event and an EMEA one. In the past, I’ve attended a couple of times the EMEA version.
This year it’s going to be different for me. I joined Veeam Software few months ago, and Veeam is going to be, like in previous years, a sponsor of HP Discover. This means first of all I will attend this time also the US version of the event for the first time, and I will also have two presentations.
Tag: converged
Why I don’t like blade servers
After the recent release of VMware VSAN, there has been a series of blog posts from some of my peers talking about the design considerations that VSAN has brought. If you read them in the order they were published, you can follow the conversation that is going on: VSAN –…
Aggiungere uno storage Flash in un ambiente esistente
Sto leggendo ultimamente una enorme mole di informazioni riguardanti lo storage Flash. Articoli, blog, whitepaper prodotti da analisti, blogger e dalle stesse aziende che producono una qualsiasi soluzione basata sulle memorie NAND. Ognuno possiede una propria soluzione; tutte sono state concepite per risolvere gli annosi problemi di lentezza dello storage basato su dischi meccanici, ma allo stesso tempo la modalità in cui si offrono di risolvere questo problema è molto differente una dall’altra.
In ambienti già consolidati, l’introduzione di una soluzione piuttosto che un’altra è una scelta da effettuare con molta attenzione.
Add a Flash storage in an existing environment
I’m reading lately a huge amount of informations regarding Slash storage. Articles, blogs, whitepapers, written by analysts, bloggers and companies that produce and sell any solution based on NAND memories. Each of them have their own solution: all have been designed to cure the long-standing problems involving the slowness of storage based on spinning disks; but at the same time the way they solve the same problem is completely different one from the other.
In an existing environment, the introduction of a given solution is a choice requiring special care.
Tech Field Day Roundtables al VMworld US 2013: SimpliVity
L’ultima presentazione a cui ho assistito durante le roundtables di Tech Field Day al VMworld US 2013 ha visto la partecipazione di SimpliVity. SimpliVity opera nel mercato delle soluzioni hyper-converged, come Nutanix e ScaleComputing. Fondata nel 2009 a Boston, conta ad oggi circa 100 dipendenti, di cui 65 nello sviluppo…