For my tests, I use a couple of vCloud Director services thanks to some really generous service providers which are also Veeam customers. From time to time, I see they upgrade their installations but as an end user is not always straight-forward to find out which version of vCloud Director is in use. But there’s a way to find out even for end users.
Tag: director
Building my own virtual lab in vCloud Director with Terraform
In a previous blog post I started to study Terraform, and how to connect it to vCloud Director. This time, I will build my entire lab using the same automation tool.
Learning how to use terraform in vCloud Director
Lately, I took the decision to do not have anymore a physical lab, even if it was already hosted and managed at a service provider, but to completely nest it inside a vCloud Director tenancy. But while I was planning the rebuild operation, I also decided it was time to make its creation process as automated as possible, and while doing so, I learned a bit about how to use Terraform.
Veeam Backup & Replication 7 #4: Self-service restore for vCloud Director
Another post about the use of the new Veeam Backup & Replication 7.0 in conjunction with vCloud Director. After the configuration of backup jobs with vCloud Director, you can also allow your users/customers to restore files or VMs by themselves, without any need for help from the Veeam Backup operators. First,…
Veeam Backup & Replication 7 #4: Self-service restore su vCloud Director
Prosegue con questo articolo la mini-serie sull’uso del nuovo Veeam Backup & Replication 7.0 in abbinamento con vCloud Director. Dopo aver configurato i backup di vCloud Director, è anche possibile permettere ai propri utenti/clienti di effettuare in autonomia i ripristini di files o intere virtual machines, senza dover richiedere l’intervento degli…
Veeam Backup & Replication 7 #3: support for vCloud Director
One of the biggest news of Veeam Backup & Replication 7.0 is for sure the support for VMware vCloud Director. Before the 7.0 version, those using vCloud Director were forced to use a “trick” to backup it: since a single Customer vDC in vCloud was mapped as a Resource Pool…
Veeam Backup & Replication 7 #3: Accesso e backup di vCloud Director
Una delle maggiori novità introdotte con Veeam Backup & Replication 7.0 è sicuramente il supporto a VMware vCloud Director. Precedentemente, chi utilizzava questa soluzione di VMware realizzava dei backup della piattaforma tramite un “trucco”: siccome a un singolo Customer vDC di vCloud, nel sottostante vCenter corrispondeva un Resource Pool, quello…
VMware vCHS e vCloud Service Providers: amici o nemici?
Da quando ho iniziato a scrivere i primi articoli su VMware vCloud Hybrid Service, mi sono arrivate alcune mail in cui diverse persone mi chiedevano come potessi conciliare questi articoli con il lavoro che faccio. Per chi non lo sapesse, lavoro in Svizzera presso un vCloud Service Provider, ed evidentemente…