Since we released Veeam Backup for Google Cloud Platform (can we call it VB4GCP from now on, do you mind?) a few weeks ago, many users have immediately started to use it. The use case of a single user protecting his resources is very easy to understand and configure, but today I’ve been asked by one of our service providers how could we configure the software to protect different customers from the same installation. Let’s test this in the lab!
Tag: google
My first backups with Veeam Backup for Google Cloud Platform
In yesterday’s article we have installed and configured Veeam Backup for Google Cloud Platform. In this article, we will run the first backup and restore operations.
Installing Veeam Backup for Google Cloud Platform
I received a few weeks ago a preview of this software from my colleagues that are developing it, and I wanted to try it out and show it to other people.
Public cloud is not infinite (if you ever thought it really is…)
I’m working on some heavy lab tests in these weeks, plus I’m travelling a bit more than usual, so my blogging activity has slowed down a bit. As I’m catching up on the news I read around, I found two different articles that can give to all of us a good perception about two things about the public cloud, or the so called “hyper-scalers”. They have insanely massive resources, but as insane as they are, they are not infinite.
The war for the public cloud is claiming its victims
Latest news about telecommunication companies and their struggles against giant cloud service providers show how the war for the public cloud is at its peak, and we are starting to see the first victims.
Cloud Computing e l’importanza del browser
Dopo qualche mese di assenza, torno a dedicarmi al secondo tema del mio blog, ovvero il cloud computing. Mi sono buttato anima e corpo su VMware ultimamente, tra alcuni nuovi progetti, studio e altre attività. E’ tempo di tornare a scrivere qualcosa anche sul Cloud. Avrete sicuramente visto l’annuncio di…
Google ChromeBooks
Il futuro a volte pare lontano, a volte vicinissimo, e a volte ancora addirittura certe tecnologie sembrano veramente “troppo” avanti. Almeno questa è stata la prima sensazione quando ho visto la presentazione di Google ChromeBooks: [yframe url=’′] Impressionante, non trovate? Praticamente il vecchio terminale degli anni 70, portato nel 21°…
“World IPv6 Day” schedulato l’8 Giugno 2011
Ci siamo. I big di internet (tra cui Facebook, Google e Yahoo, Akamai) si stanno preparando per l’8 Giugno 2011, quando attiveranno per 24 ore il protocollo IPv6 sui loro sistemi principali. Se avete connettività IPv6 da qualche parte, potrete provare ad accedere ai loro servizi con il nuovo protocollo….