In a previous post, I described how you can configure a virtual proxy to access an iSCSI storage, in order to test DirectSAN backups. Veeam has an additional functionality, called Storage Snapshots, that improves even more DirectSAN backups performances when you have a supported storage. I’m going to show you in this post how you can configure it in your lab.
Tag: lab
Test DirectSAN backups without a physical Veeam server
One of the nice features of Veeam Backup & Replication, when it comes to backup speed, is the possibility to use DirectSAN as its backup method on vSphere environments. This option offers the best performances, but has some precise requirements at the hardware level. It could be easy to comply with them in a production environment, but what if you want to test it in your lab, where usually hardware options are limited? Don’t worry, there is a solution!
PernixData in my Lab: some performance tests
Few weeks ago I published an article titled “My new “I/O Test Virtual Machine”, telling you about the VM I built to run my performance tests for virtualized environments. After a first post running those tests against my “plain” Lab and its enhanced version using another server-side caching solution, many of you asked me if I was planning to do the same tests with PernixData. So i did, and here are my findings.
SkunkWorks Labs: my new vLab
Skunk Works is an official alias for Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Development Programs (ADP), formerly called Lockheed Advanced Development Projects. Skunk Works is responsible for a number of famous aircraft designs, including the U-2, the SR-71 Blackbird (my preferred one), the F-117 Nighthawk, and the F-22 Raptor. The designation “skunk works”,…
SkunkWorks Labs: il mio nuovo vLab
Skunk Works è la denominazione ufficiale della divisione della Lockheed Martin dedicata ai velivoli sperimentali. La Skunk Works è la creatrice e sviluppatrice di molti progetti di velivoli di grande popolarità, tra i quali l’aero-spia U-2, l’SR-71 Blackbird (il mio preferito), il caccia stealth F-117 Nighthawk, e l’ultimo caccia F-22…
VMUG.IT Hands On Day 2012 / 1: ExaGrid (18 Gennaio 2012)
Primo appuntamento con Hands-On Lab, il progetto presentato a Ottobre 2011 da VMUG.IT. Una giornata di laboratorio, in cui un singolo produttore ha la possibilità di presentare la propria soluzione per VMware, e permettere ai partecipanti di testarlo dal vivo. Il taglio è spiccatamente tecnico, e la presenza di un…