In my home lab I did the usual mistake of forgetting to enable EVC mode before adding my second NUC to the VSAN cluster. I got stuck for a day trying to find a solution for it, but I finally managed to solve it. Here’s how.
Tag: per-VM
Veeam Backup & Replication v9: the new Per-VM backup chains
One of the features coming in Veeam Backup & Replication v9 is per-VM backup chains.This great addition was in between a general announcement related to other backup storage improvements; in case you missed it, here we go with a dedicated post, because this feature is going to be great!
VVOLs are more than just “per-VM”storage volumes
As I’m following closely the growth and evolution of this new technology for vSphere environments, I’ve found an article on the blogosphere and some additional comments on Twitter that made me re-think a bit about the real value of VVOLS. Is the real value of VVOLs the VM granularity, or it’s more the policy-based management?
Socket-Based Pricing contro Per-VM Pricing
Si parla spesso ultimamente dei vari modelli di licensing per i sistemi virtualizzati, e oramai la diatriba più forte è data dalla scelta se effettuare un licenziamento per socket o per VM. Ho sempre ritenuto il modello per-VM una sorta di balzello insopportabile, e ne ho avuta ulteriore conferma leggendo…