In yesterday’s article we have installed and configured Veeam Backup for Google Cloud Platform. In this article, we will run the first backup and restore operations.
Tag: platform
Installing Veeam Backup for Google Cloud Platform
I received a few weeks ago a preview of this software from my colleagues that are developing it, and I wanted to try it out and show it to other people.
New Nutanix models 1000 and 6000: different formats, same idea!
Yesterday Nutanix has announced two new models to be added to their existing catalog. The two series, named NX-1000 and NX-6000, goes at the opposite edges of their catalog, just like the names suggest. NX-1000 The first model, NX-1000, differs from the primary model 3000 for the lack of the Fusion-IO card,…
Nuovi modelli Nutanix 1000 e 6000: differenti formati, stessa filosofia
Ieri Nutanix ha annunciato due nuove famiglie di modelli, che vanno ad aggiungersi al catalogo esistente. Le due serie, denominate NX-1000 e NX-6000, vanno a posizionarsi agli estremi opposti del loro catalogo, come anche i nomi lasciano intendere. NX-1000 Il primo modello, NX-1000, differisce dalla serie principale 3000 per la mancanza…
Hitachi Content Platform, Hitachi’s object storage solution
I recently met Hitachi Data Systems (HDS) for a quick introduction to their object storage solution. Historically known for their midrange and hi-end storage solutions (for example VSP), Hitachi has instead a catalog full of products and applications. The topic of our meeting has been as I said an overview on…
Hitachi Content Platform, l’object storage di Hitachi
Ho ricentemente incontrato Hitachi Data Systems (HDS) per una breve introduzione della loro soluzione object storage. Storicamente nota per le sue soluzioni storage di fascia media e alta (ad esempio le soluzioni VSP), Hitachi in realtà ha un catalogo di prodotti e applicazioni che spaziano in differenti ambiti. Argomento dell’incontro…