One of the most common questions I get in regards to Veeam and the usage of XFS filesystem with its reflink capabilities is “how do I measure the real used space?”. There are some techniques and some blog posts around, but I noticed that none of them were written with operations in mind. Time to fix this.
Tag: script
Using AWS credentials in Powershell scripts
Lately I was updating a couple of my scripts, and when I re-used my script that automatically updates AWS records for Let's Encrypt DNS challenges, I realised that I never stored my AWS credentials anywhere, but I was just using those cached into my powershell environment. Time to have some proper credential management.
Am I doing backups of all my VMs? 2016 Edition
In 2012 I published a post with a Powershell script to be able to check all the available VM’s in a given vSphere environment, and verify which ones were protected by Veeam Backup & Replication. Time to update the script to make it work with the latest versions of the two software.
Encrypt passwords in powershell scripts
In powershell, in order to use credentials to authenticate against different systems you have different options. When running scripts interactively, we can configure the powershell command to ask us for username and password, but saving passwords in clear text into a script is a bad security practice. Powershell however has a way to hide passwords in commands and scripts.
VI-Toolkit Wiki
Vi segnalo un wiki molto interessante: vi-toolkit wiki ospita un elevato numero di pagine con esempi di codice per i nostri sistemi virtualizzati. Il link indicato porta direttamente alle categorie, a causa del numero elevato di pagine questa รจ assolutamente il punto da cui partire per navigare il sito.