Last week, Veeam released the new Veeam Service Provider Console v4, the latest version of what was previously called Veeam Availability Console. I run my own VAC (now VSPC) environment, so I decided to take the opportunity to upgrade my lab to the latest version to learn the upgrade process.
Tag: upgrade
How I upgraded my Ceph cluster to Luminous
After the release of the latest version of Ceph, Luminous (v12.2.x), I read all the announcements and blogs, and based on the list of new interesting features as Bluestore, I decided to upgrade the Ceph cluster running in my lab. This blog shows you the step by step procedure to upgrade a Ceph Jewel cluster to Luminous.
Error “Unable to retrieve the migration assistant extension on source vCenter Server. Make sure migration assistant is running on the VUM server” when upgrading vCenter appliance
Learn how to fix the error “Unable to retrieve the migration assistant extension on source vCenter Server. Make sure migration assistant is running on the VUM server” when you are upgrading your vCenter Server appliance from 6.0 to 6.5.
Migrate from VMware tools to open-vm-tools in CentOS
In 2012 I wrote a blog post that became really popular: Installing VMware tools on Centos 6 via yum. Few years forward, and today the preferred tools are the open sourced ones available natively in many linux package managers. So, some may think to switch from one version to the other one for their existing virtual machines. That’s what I’ve done in some of my virtual machines, and here is the process.
My adventures with Ceph Storage. Part 10: Upgrade the cluster
As any existing software, Ceph is subject to minor and major releases. My entire series of posts has been realized using version Giant (0.87), but by the time I completed the series, Hammer (0.94) was released. Note that Ceph, as other linux softwares, uses a major release naming scheme based on the letter of the alphabet, so Giant is the 7th major release. Ceph releases both minor and major versions of the software, so it’s important to know how to upgrade it.
Aggiornare vCenter 5.1 con le patch 5.1.0a
Ho recentemente aggiornato vCenter e i suoi vari componenti con le ultime patch rilasciate e numerate 5.1.0a Questo post breve vuole ricapitolare i passi necessari per completare l’aggiornamento. scaricate la ISO di vCenter 5.1.0a e connettetela a vCenter. Se aveto separato i componenti su server differenti, usate la ISO sui…
Aggiornare ESXi a 5.0 tramite Update Manager
Dopo aver aggiornato vCenter nel precedente post, sfruttiamo ora Update Manager contenuto in vCenter per aggiornare in modo facile e automatico i vari server ESXi alla versione 5.0. Per prima cosa, dobbiamo importare l’immagine ISO di ESXi 5.0, che avremo scaricato in precedenza. Apriamo poi l’Admin View di Update Manager,…
Upgrade vCenter from 4.1 to 5.0
I received during the weekend my new license codes for the 5.0 lineup of VMware products, so I tried and found a couple of hours to test the upgrade process of vCenter. This is the first element of a 4.1 cluster you need to upgrade to 5.0, cause it can…