More than two years ago, when we released Veeam Cloud Connect 9.0, I massively reworked my original paper on the topic, and the final result became a book available as a pdf. The book was also printed and I have some copies at home; not something to win any nobel price, but it’s nice to see them there as remind me of the massive work it took. Then, the cloud was calling, and I decided it was time to make it more modern and after some re-editing and learning how markdown and github work, the book became an online resource that people can freely and easily read.
But still, the content was related to version 9.0. At the beginning there were a few additions so the book was still current and usable. But as I started to look into the different beta versions I was receiving, it was clear that 9.5 Update 4 would have required a refresh of the book.
So, I started a few months ago to rework/update/add content to the book, with the goal of having it complete by the time that Update 4 would become generally available. And with some proper planning, and by reducing other activities like regular blogging as you may have noticed during 2018, I was able to do it. The software is in limited availability these weeks, provider already received their RTM version, and the GA date is tomorrow.
The book is available at the same URL as always:
(note: no https for now, I’m moving away from gitbook and for now it’s statically hosted on AWS S3).
You can now enjoy a fully updated version of the Cloud Connect book, with all the new features explained. The book has three additional chapters, partly because of some reorganization of the existing ones, partly because there is much more content than before. I’d like to highlight some chapters:
- 2.7 Backup Repositories now has a full deep dive about how concurrency works in Cloud Connect. If you want to fully understand this topic and you are looking to learn how to scale Cloud Connect backup, this is THE chapter.
- 3.5 Cloud gateway pools
- 3.7 Cloud Repositories with (finally) a complete coverage of SOBR design.
- 3.8 Insider Threat Protection, with a long deep dive into the technology, how it works, and how it interacts with the new Cloud Tier
- 5.9 Tenant’s password change (you know a tenant can now change its cloud connect password so that a provider can offere an even higher level of confidentiality?)
- 7.2 Air-gapped backups using Tenants to Tape
- 9.8 Migrate Replication services from vSphere to vCloud Director
(Since the book structure may change in the future, like it happened already, I’m not linking directly the pages. Go to the general book and pick the page you want to read.)
And obviously, you will find through the entire book all the information needed to use Cloud Connect in conjunction with VMware vCloud Director.
I hope you will enjoy the book, and that it will be useful to setup even more powerful Cloud Connect environments. Let me know your feedback!